
I began wargaming with Airfix figures and miniatures in the mid 1970s when terrain was more often than not functional rather than aesthetic. Contour hills on top of the gaming cloth and a few free-standing OO scale railway modelling trees for woods was commonplace.

After 'graduating' to 1:300th scale micromodels in the early 1980s, for many years forests in my games were represented by felt patches liberally sprinkled with that weird rubbery lichen and as a solo gamer, although a little imagination was required, this was an adequate solution.

With the advent of the internet, the growth of the hobby and the establishment of specialist small scale wargaming shows, it became apparent that there was another method of representing areas of trees, the one-piece forest. After a couple of years of use in my own games, I ran a Kickstarter to fund the initial bulk raw material purchases and to gauge interest (which exceeded all expectations, to the extent that my wife was inducted onto the production line).

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